Home-Start Redbridge Ilford

Home-Start Redbridge Ilford

At a glance


  • Black, asian and minority ethnic groups
  • Children / families
  • Local / community
  • Mental health
  • Social care

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Geographical remit: 


We support disadvantaged families with young children.  Our aim is to empower the family to cope with their challenges to mitigate or prevent increased health and social care, thereby reducing public costs. Our support is delivered 1:1 in the family home by trained volunteers who are parents or involved in childcare. The support we provide is practical and emotional.

Families will be marginalised, hard to reach and suffering from multiple disadvantages such as poverty, physical or mental disability, abuse, neglect and isolation. We also provide weekly Family Support Group providing mutual support and family outings.


We are embedded in the community, have a strong network of referrers and channel all of our active experience into those we serve.

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