Home-Start Haringey

Home-Start Haringey

At a glance


  • Children / families
  • Local / community

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Geographical remit: 


Home-Start Haringey works with vulnerable and socially excluded families in London Borough of Haringey which has London's 4th highest level of child poverty, high levels of unemployment, 61% of children in low income families, 1 in 5 children overweight, higher than national average levels of child obesity, teenage pregnancy rates above the England average and the ongoing impact of the Tottenham riots. Families referred to us are disadvantaged with complex and often multiple needs i.e. multiple children under 5years old, poverty, disability, isolation, domestic violence, physical and mental health, and inability to leave high rise homes, ESOL, literacy, intergenerational unemployment and housing issues.

Our one- one volunteer peer support helps to alleviate the impact of multiple deprivations, remove barriers and enhance life chances of children and families. We work to enhance parent - child bond, parenting strategies, give copying tools that prevents family break down and crisis.



Home-Start Haringey recruits volunteers and run 3 cycles of 10 week Certa accredited volunteer training per year. We deliver a 13 week Race Equality Foundation Certified Strengthening Families Strengthening Communities Parent Education Course. Match trained volunteers with families to provide 1-1 support for an average of 6-9 months, with initial assessment and ongoing review of support.  We co - produce a support plan, with 6weeks, 3/6/9 months reviews built in with families. We deliver 6 Volunteer Peer Support Groups and Ongoing Training and 6 weekly individual supervision support with home visiting volunteers. We deliver a 10 sessions HENRY Training, 6 sessions Managing Money training and 1 family learning day for children and parents.

The Scheme work with other voluntary sector and statutory agencies to provide a cohesive service for families. Our Management Board meets 6 times a year and sub committees meet regularly to ensure good governance and ongoing oversight of service. Safeguarding and other relevant policies and robust monitoring systems are in place to underpin good practice in meeting our objectives.

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