Home-Start Greenwich works with families that have at least on child under the age of 5yrs. Our mission is to offer support, friendship and practical help to parents with young children. We believe that children need a happy and secure childhood and that parents play the key role in giving their children a good start in life and helping them achieve their full potential. Our staff and volunteers work tirelessly to achieve this.
The families we work with in our Children's Centres, Nurseries and via our home-visiting and befriending scheme may need support, befriending, information; they may be going through a particularly difficult time and need some help.
We offer a wide range of universal services through our Children's Centres through Early Learning sessions and activities, parents and carers can access advice and information relating to their children's health/social/developmental needs and if they're interested, they can access support to get into employment.
Our Nurseries offer Ofsted rated good or outstanding Early Years leaning opportunities to children, whether they are entitled to free hours or whether their parents are able to pay privately.
Through our home-visiting services, parents and carers who are struggling to cope because of any one of a number of reasons, such as post-natal depression, isolation, financial issues, etc are supported by compassionate, skilful volunteers in their own home.
Home-Start Greenwich, through these services, helps parents and carers to meet their children's needs confidently and effectively. Through the medium of good-quality and compassionate partnership working we are able to support some of the most vulnerable children in the borough so that the challenges they face don't define their future attainment and well-being. We are contracted by Royal Greenwich to deliver services in one of the Borough's five Children's Centre areas, our performance indicators are routinely met or exceeded for the most part and we are seen as a reliable partner by the Borough.