Home-Start East Cheshire

Home-Start East Cheshire

At a glance


  • Children / families
  • Local / community

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Geographical remit: 


Home-Start offers support to parents with at least one child under the age of five years. The families we support need us for various reasons including: postnatal illness, loneliness, isolation, health issues, single parenthood or just exhaustion from having to cope with several young children. Our volunteers offer their time and friendly support, sharing the benefits of their own experience to help reassure parents and strengthen the relationship between them and their children in their own home. In this way, volunteers offer families an opportunity to develop new skills and enjoy family life.


Home-Start recruits, trains and provides ongoing support and supervision to parent volunteers. In addition to home-visiting we also run two family networking days each month. These are an opportunity for families to get together and enjoy activity sessions e.g. parents/carers might take part in a training session on healthy eating run by a healthcare professional while their children are cared for and entertained by volunteers. We ensure that sufficient funds are in place to ensure the ongoing viability of the service for at least two years in advance and work closely with other agencies to raise our awareness and encourage joined-up working with children's services. Policies and procedures are kept up-to-date in order to meet the requirements of Home-Start UK and pass our Quality Assurance test.

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