Home From Hospital Care

Home From Hospital Care

At a glance


  • Health and well being / research and care
  • Older people / later life
  • Social care

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Geographical remit: 


Home from Hospital Care is a charity providing support to adults in Birmingham and Sandwell who have recently been discharged from hospital. We aim to make the transfer from hospital to home as positive and supported as possible, so that patients have the best chance of making a good recovery.

We are currently recruiting volunteers in Birmingham and Sandwell, from all backgrounds and with all levels of experience. Volunteers are most commonly involved in befriending and shopping, but they can get involved in other aspects of the support should they wish.

Following DBS checks and training, we match volunteers with a service user, who they support for an hour each week for a six-week period. Visits can be more frequent if the volunteer feels able to commit to this. At the end of the period of support, the volunteer can take a break, or be matched with another service user. It is important that volunteers commit to the six-week period so that the support provided is reliable and consistent.

We can also support volunteers to gain an NVQ2 with Free Courses in England in a range of subjects including Falls Prevention and Working in Health and Social Care.


We provide a range of support including befriending, support with shopping, emotional support, benefits advice, support to attend medical appointments, help with correspondence and form filling, a sitting-in service for carers and a cleaning and handy-man service. The service is for six weeks and it is free of charge.

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