The Higher Ground Foundation

The Higher Ground Foundation

At a glance


  • Environment
  • Financial inclusion
  • International development
  • Local / community
  • Voluntary sector support

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Geographical remit: 


The Higher Ground Foundation serves communities vulnerable to climate change worldwide (with a specific focus on low-income/developing world communities) through the development of a new mechanism - the Vulnerability Reduction Credit - to assist in the funding and planning of climate change adaptation projects. Using our VRC mechanism, we can help leverage and direct a significant fraction of the more than $100 million annual funding that will be required to help communities adapt climate change.


The VRC mechanism is currently in its pilot phase and is being introduced through several streams of effort by the Higher Ground Foundation's staff, volunteers and associates.

  • We are currently developing and securing funding for several pilot adaptation projects in various countries (Bangladesh, Kenya, and India). The scope of these projects will call upon various intervention methodologies, including:
    • Agriculture protection (including irrigation, crop switching, and drought/heat wave proofing);
    • Urban flood defence;
    • Landslide prevention and remediation
  • Concurrently, we are in the process of developing and rolling out a Standard Framework and Methodologies. These will be expert reviewed over the course of 2017 in preparation for a public launch of a Vulnerability Reduction Credit Standard.
  • We are also involved with information sharing and education and, to this end, have arranged and produced a series of webinars for interested adaptation and other professionals.

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