Hertsmere Leisure

Hertsmere Leisure

At a glance


  • Sports

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Geographical remit: 


The organisation’s mission statement is:

Hertsmere Leisure will strive to be the premier provider of leisure and children’s services for the communities it serves, renowned for its delivery of high quality services and commitment to health and social welfare issues.


These values represent how the organisation, and its employees, will conduct itself and approach its work.

Our values are to:

  • Improve continuously everything we do.
  • Nurture the unique worth and contribution of every individual.
  • Seek to operate in a more economic, efficient and effective way.
  • Promote an honest and open culture supported by active communication.
  • Improve the quality of life, well-being and health of our communities.
  • Recognise the importance of the customer in everything we do.
  • Encourage people to fulfil their potential.

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