Helplines Partnership

Helplines Partnership

At a glance


  • Health and well being / research and care
  • Mental health
  • Voluntary sector support

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Geographical remit: 


Helplines Partnership is the membership body for organisations that provide helpline services in the UK and internationally. We aim to advance health, particularly mental health for the benefit of the public, in particular but not exclusively by improving the quality of services to people suffering ill health and those caring for or treating them.  Helplines Partnership aims to enhance quality, choice and access for everyone and increase the recognition and sustainability of the help-services sector.


Helplines Partnership is the membership body for organisations that provide helpline services in the UK and internationally. We facilitate high quality service delivery to callers by providing services, including training, contact solutions, a Helplines Quality Standard , tailored support and information resources. We raise the profile of the sector by representing our members' interests and influencing the social policy agenda. We give providers of helpline services a voice to help them build sustainability and promote excellence, choice and accessibility for everyone.

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