Helping Hands Essex (HHE)

Helping Hands Essex (HHE)

At a glance


  • Counselling / advice
  • Health and well being / research and care
  • Housing and homelessness
  • Substance misuse

Other details

Geographical remit: 


We are a small charity is providing residential and non-residential support to those at the start of their recovery from alcohol addiction, primarily in Chelmsford but also across mid-Essex. At any one time we are supporting up to four residents in our main support property and up to five in a move-on house. We also offer day client support to non-residents and also an after-care provision.

Our income comes from two sources - spilt almost equally between slightly enhanced housing benefits for our residents and grant funding applications. Our main costs are salaries for the small number of staff we have (2.7FTE).

Our strategies for the future fall into three areas:

  1. To ensure an improved funding income stream
  2. To find and to be able to finance a relocation property and
  3. To enhance our trustee base - we have only four at the moment and three of them have taken on line management roles; this enables the operation to function but can divert the trustees from their strategic role. 


The aims of our charity are to provide recovery from alcohol abuse to the benefit of the individual and of family, friends and the wider community as well as reducing the levels of alcohol dependency within Mid Essex and to educate people about the risks involved in the use of alcohol.  Our aims fully reflect the purposes that the charity was set up to further.

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