Help for Carers

Help for Carers

At a glance


  • Health and well being / research and care
  • Local / community
  • Older people / later life
  • Social care

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Help for Carers was established in 1980 as a not for profit company. We provide relief from the stresses experienced by people who look after someone with a care need caused by disability, illness or age and need some home based support. Formerly known as “Crossroads,” we became “Help for Carers” on 31 March 2016.


We provide a home-based respite service for the carers of older people, adults and children with physical or learning disabilities including palliative care. This service operates across the London Boroughs of Lambeth, Croydon, Merton, Sutton and Wandsworth. We offer a customised homecare (respite) service for people able to self-fund.

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