HEART UK has a dedicated Cholesterol Helpline run by health care professionals. Members of the public can ring or email for friendly advice on any cholesterol or blood fat issue. The Helpline is available 5 days a week and on a Tuesday in different Asian languages.
HEART UK Supports both patients and health care professionals with a range of information leaflets and fact sheets which are free to patients, GP surgeries and lipid clinics.
As well as this we have a wealth of information about cholesterol issues on our website which is visited by over a 20,000 per month. We also campaign at government level to ensure that cholesterol and cardiovascular disease remains a top priority within the health political agenda. At HEART UK, every day we strive to:
Reduce premature deaths from high cholesterol a major risk factor for heart attacks and strokes
HEART UK - The Cholesterol Charity - is the only charity in the UK dedicated to supporting people with raised cholesterol and other blood fats and also supporting the healthcare professionals treating these conditions. We aim to prevent avoidable and early deaths caused by high cholesterol. We're committed to raising awareness about the risks of high cholesterol, lobbying for better detection of those at risk and supporting health professional training.
To educate and inform HCP’s about our work we run an annual scientific conference every year attended by world class clinicians - this enables us to support HCP’s to deliver the best possible services for their patients.
We receive no government funding and raise funds with our supporters and corporate partners to enable us to deliver our vital lifesaving services such as our Helpline and all free literature to HCP’s and patients.
We engage with the media to get them to run stories to increase the awareness of the dangers of high cholesterol across all media channels.
We educate and inform our supporters by keeping them up to date with the latest news, views and treatments.
We run special projects - for example, our Children and Young Person’s project supporting children with the inherited high cholesterol condition called Familial Hypercholesterolaemia and we have an active social media presence on Twitter.