Hear Us

Hear Us

At a glance


  • Mental health

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Geographical remit: 


Hear Us is Croydon’s Mental Health Service User Group which acts as a coordinating body to facilitate, and ensure service users involvement in, the planning, delivery and monitoring of mental health services in Croydon. Helping to improve the quality of the services commissioned and delivered in Croydon.

Our Aims and Objectives are:

  • To relieve the needs of people living in the London Borough of Croydon and surrounding areas who have mental health problems by provision of services and advice
  • To advance education about mental health for the public benefit in the London borough of Croydon and surrounding areas with the object of creating awareness and reducing the stigma attached to mental health


Hear Us run the following Projects

Linkworking Project: has been running in local services within the Croydon borough for 10 Years, working as a link between staff and service users to try and shape mental health services to suit service users needs. 

Welfare Benefits Project: This project was set up to fill a ‘gap’ in existing welfare benefit service provision in Croydon. We have been successfully doing so for over 5 years with real results; dramatically changing the lives of our people with mental illness, living in desperation and not knowing where to turn. Our aim is to ‘hold people’s hands’ when they need it and then empower people to become financially more independent when they are ready. The project also helps people to connect to activities unrelated to welfare benefits that have an positive impact on healthy wellbeing.

Open Forum: Our Forum is designed so that mental health service users can come together and discuss services that they access and that affect them. This forum gives us a chance to meet, ask questions and debate with commissioner, Croydon CCG and Council, and service providers SLaM (the South London and Maudsley NHS Trust). Also other services, such as the voluntary sector (Mind, Imagine, Status Employment, APCMH and others) are also able to come and discuss their services.

Reachout Challenge: This is our Mental Health Anti Stigma where we try to decrease stigma about mental illness and raise awareness of what it is like to live with mental illness. This projectt is held with work environments where we encourage the staff in the organisations we work with to have a more ‘open policy’ towards mental health that enables them to be able to talk about their own mental wellbeing without shame, embarrassment or stigma.

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