We are Calderdale's local mental health charity, led by people who have personal experience of emotional distress.We believe that mental health is one aspect of a person’s life, not what defines them.With kindness and respect, together we create and provide opportunities for people to understand and build on their strengths to better achieve what they want from their lives. We define mental health not just as the absence of distress but as a state of wellbeing in which each person realises their own potential. We recognise different factors can affect people's wellbeing and so we provide a range of services for people according to their needs.
Our services are available to anyone who identifies as having mental ill health and include:
peer support groups, where small groups meet regularly to give each other support,information,advice and the benefits of experiences they have had in self management.These groups may be based around a specific issue/ diagnosis or more broadly around wellbeing generally. Recovery courses; we call these "Well Aware " and they focus on self management, self awareness and personal learning, there is a core agenda and then content is flexible , based on what group members feel is useful to them. Mental
health education; Welfare rights, this service supports people to claim benefits they are entitled to, and to challenge wrong decisions that DWP have made, it has 100% success in winning employment tribunals and is consistently over subscribed..Employment support, provide bespoke careers advice with information, advice, guidance and support
for people seeking work or for people struggling to retain work; HM Forum, for people to influence local and national issues that affect them; Roshani, a specialist service in the Asian community; and a range of activity groups, including allotment, walking, yoga,local radio.