Healthcare Infection Society

Healthcare Infection Society

At a glance


  • Health and well being / research and care
  • Training / employment support

Other details

Geographical remit: 
National - Britain


The Healthcare Infection Society (HIS) is a charity (no.1158172) whose objectives are to advance knowledge of, foster scientific interest in and disseminate information about the prevention and control of hospital and other healthcare associated infections (HCAIs), to medical and allied professionals for the benefit of the public.

HIS membership is largely medical, especially consultant microbiologists and trainees, and associate membership is available to nurses and other health professionals with a professional interest in infection control.

The Society has the following statement of purpose:


A world in which HCAIs have been reduced to the lowest possible level


To provide healthcare professionals with the information, evidence and skills they need to prevent and control HCAIs


We believe that:

  • Good science underpins good clinical practice
  • Many HCAIs are preventable through effective multi-disciplinary teamwork
  • Continual professional learning and development is necessary to reduce the incidence of  HCAIs
  • Collaboration within and beyond the Society will help to advance and communicate knowledge


  • Provides training days for trainee consultants
  • Publishes original articles in our journal, the JHI
  • Organises a range of courses to improve understanding of infection prevention and control

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