Headway Surrey

Headway Surrey

At a glance


  • Counselling / advice
  • Health and well being / research and care
  • Social care

Other details

Organisation type: 
Geographical remit: 


Headway Surrey supports adults and their families in Surrey with acquired or traumatic brain injuries, as a result of road traffic accidents, stroke, sports injury, trips, falls, assault, combat, domestic violence, encephalitis, meningitis, brain tumor, aneurisms, hypoxia and many more medical issues etc. 


Headway Surrey provides a wide range of brain injury support sessions at our base in Guildford.  Two full Centre days a week for up to 16 people, from 10am-2.30pm.  One to one sessions and counselling either online or face to face in Guildford.  6-week courses for Understanding Brain Injury and a Family and Carers Survival Toolkit course.  Young people's Group, Walking Group, Monthly Drop In and Fortnightly Coffee Morning. Early intervention at hospitals with our specially trained Link Workers, to provide information about our services to those recently diagnosed with a brain injury.  Helpline and email support with a wide range of connected issues, such as applying for a Brain Injury ID Card, benefits, attending MDT meetings, support with Adult Social Care Assessments, homelessness etc. 

Current opportunities

Surrey, GU2 9PU

We are looking to recruit 3 Trustees to join the current Board and a new Chair. 

Surrey, GU2 9PU

Headway Surrey needs a Chair with a passion for supporting people with brain injury. A life changing injury which affects the family, employment,...