Hazlemere Parish Council

Hazlemere Parish Council

At a glance


  • Children / families
  • Local / community
  • Sports
  • Women
  • Young people

Other details

Geographical remit: 


One of the Parish’s most important assets is the Hazlemere Memorial Hall (previously the Ken Williams Memorial Pavilion). This is managed by an independent Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO), the Parish Council is currently looking to appoint a ‘Council nominated trustee’.


The objects of the CIO are the provision and maintenance of a community centre for the use of the inhabitants of Hazlemere and the surrounding areas, including use for meetings, lectures, classes and other forms of recreation and leisure-time occupation, with the object of improving the conditions of life for the inhabitants.
The provision of grants and funding to organisations and for projects which make an
application to the CIO and which will apply the funds for exclusively charitable
purposes in a way that benefits the community of Hazlemere and improves the
conditions of life for its inhabitants.

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