At a glance


  • Criminal justice

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  • HACRO is Hertfordshire’s offender rehabilitation charity.
  • Our vision: everyone on the wrong side of the law has the chance to turn their lives around and lead a life fully contributing to society.
  • Our mission; ex-offenders and those at risk of offending in Hertfordshire get the opportunity to lead full work and family lives in the community. We do this through programmes that build capability and confidence, delivered with respect and integrity. We believe in second chances.


We provide a range of education, training and well-being programmes, including:

  • employment programme BBO Strive (Building Better Opportunities –
    Support and Transition Routes into Volunteering and Employment), which helps to rehabilitate previously prolific offenders;
  • WorkAbility – a work-readiness programme which provides
    preparation for work training, vocational courses and builds links to
  • Step Forward – an Education, Training and Employment project that provides  one-on-one employment coaching to support offenders under the Probation Service;
  • the Caring Dads programme which delivers parenting skills to men
    against whom there have been allegations of domestic abuse;
  • Dedicated Dads – now a long-term initiative for men alleged of domestic abuse, comprising up to eight 1:1 sessions remotely with a Facilitator.

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