Green Light Trust

Green Light Trust

At a glance


  • Children / families
  • Education
  • Environment
  • Gardens and parks
  • Health and well being / research and care
  • Learning disabilities / difficulties
  • Local / community
  • Men
  • Mental health
  • Physical disabilities
  • Substance misuse
  • Training / employment support
  • Women
  • Young people

Other details

Geographical remit: 


Our Mission Statement

“delivering education and wellbeing in harmony with nature”

Green Light Trust facilitates opportunities for people to access the natural environment as a way of improving their personal and social circumstances and knowledge.

As a result of attending our programmes, we aim for people to have improved their confidence, self-esteem and leave feeling physically and mentally stronger and environmentally more aware.

We provide access to education and enlightenment through outdoor activity, increasing understanding of the natural world and fostering respect for the planet to secure its sustainability for future generations.

Our Ethos

Our guiding principle is for people to care for each other, wildlife and the planet.

We try to ensure in all we do to show respect for other people and the natural world.

Decisions we make and actions we take are considered in two ways;

  1. the impact on people and the environment

  2. the adverse implication for future generations

  • We do what we can to respond to inequality and disadvantage for people and animals
  • We do what we can to reverse environmental contamination, destruction and unnatural decline.
  • We improve behaviour towards the environment through personal experience and education

Our Core Values

  • Respect for the planet and those that share it
  • That the natural environment should be managed to ensure its health and longevity
  • Actions are informed by knowledge and experience so people understand the effects of actions and decisions on others and the natural world now and in the future.
  • Where possible, reverse the results of damage, destruction and neglect on the natural environment
  • People should be treated with respect and have the opportunity to enjoy life to the full
  • People should have the opportunity to change their behaviour
  • Inequality should be redressed.
  • People should feel in control of their own experience and actions
  • That education should be delivered inclusive of outdoor experience and embrace sustainable values

Why we exist

  • Because the planet, environment, wildlife, flora and forna are in decline, which spells disaster for evryone
  • Because the health of the human species is also in decline and is progressively effecting younger people, and the resources needed to cope are not able to keep pace. 


GLT targets engagement with young people and adults who are dealing with disability, addiction, mental health and behavioural issues. We have developed a range of programmes to meet the needs of the people we cal our communities of interest (CoI). These programmes deliver opportunities for our CoI to participate in outdoor restoration and conservation programmes. Green Light Trust has engaged with local people to transform the environment they live in benefiting the whole community. It has enable over 60 local communities acquire land and develop new woodlands for local people to enjoy. It participated in the restoration of Holy Wells Park contributing 126 volunteer days to help transform the woodland, wetland and gardens.

Restored a SSSI ancient woodland introducing a coppice management programme after 80 years of neglect and decline. This has rejuvenated the woodland and created new ecosystems and opened up the forest floor to stimulate new growth. Our schools programme across Suffolk has help to develop school grounds into reach areas of learning for children, creating willow sculptures, habitat and planting wild flowers. Creating Forest School areas to allow children to develop their play, character and personalities in safe risk assessed freedom. In Gt Yarmouth they are undertaking the transformation of what had become a dumping ground for all sorts of detritus. It took nearly a year for the project team to clear the site before starting the planning of allotment beds, an orchard, bird hide and observation area and labyrinth. The most delicate task to restore a natural bed once tendered by Ted Ellis the naturalist.


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