Ordinary Christians, Extraordinary Times
Green Christian exists to share Green insights with Christians and to offer Christian insights to the wider Green movement.
Since we were formed in 1981 the ecological crisis has continued and deepened. We seek more urgently to live gently on the earth, encouraging one another in discipleship which accepts our impact on God’s creation as a whole.
This includes:- daily prayer, a simpler lifestyle, public witness, peaceful campaigning, encouragement to one another and the provision of resources, including a magazine, groups, retreats and conferences.
We help people understand how environmental issues relate to their faith, and enable them to take the message into their local church communities. We do this through our publications and leaflets, events, our website and press releases.
What’s most on our minds at the moment is the Climate Emergency but many things we do have fed into this along the way, see our other campaigns.
We have an e-news which we send fortnightly to members and friends, and have a fully-up-to-date What’s On page. We also have many useful Resources available.
We are a membership organisation with Local Groups around the country.
Like many organisations we are run almost entirely by volunteers and depend on funding from our supporters.