The Green Backyard is a community garden in Peterborough providing growing space for the local community and also hosting educational activities, especially relating to sustainable practices. We partner with a number of other local charities and sustainable businesses to support a diverse range of community groups. We also host community events that support local small businesses and crafters. Having access to a green urban space is really important for wellbeing and mental health and educating in sustainability helps ensure a better future for everyone.
Some of our partners on site include: Project Abundance market garden, Refill Revolution refill shop, a bike repair project for refugees and a 'Men's shed' giving social support and practical carpentry skills to individuals.
We host 3 fairs each year, Spring, Harvest and Christmas with entertainment and stalls from local small businesses, artists and food and drink suppliers.
We provide a green space to community groups for meetings, events, activities and workshops.
We maintain the site in an environmentally friendly way, balancing supporting wildlife with growing food.