Gosport Sea Cadet Unit

Gosport Sea Cadet Unit

At a glance


  • Sports
  • Young people

Other details

Geographical remit: 
National - Britain


We benefit young people from the age of 12 to 18 to socialise, experience challenges they would not otherwise be exposed to, learn self-discipline and respect for themselves and others through group discipline and life-long skills such as sailing, windsurfing, powerboating, first aid, seamanship, marine engineering, offshore sailing and much more. Cadets have the opportunity to sail in a square rigged ship, live away from home on two week training courses having to live and get on with total strangers whilst learning new skills.


We meet two evenings a week for general training activities as outlined above as well as more intense training weekends in our harbourside boating centre. As well as the activities outlined above, Cadets learn leadership through planning and taking charge of parades and, when properly qualified in specific subjects to national standards (including BTEC), they teach younger Cadets.

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