Good Neighbours Network

Good Neighbours Network

At a glance


  • Local / community
  • Mental health
  • Older people / later life
  • Physical disabilities

Other details

Geographical remit: 


Good Neighbours began life in 1976 and since then has built up a network of 125 groups across Hampshire. Groups are fully self-sufficient and autonomous but receive support from the Network Advisers based in Portsmouth. The groups are local, helping local people and provide vital services such as hospital transport, befriending, prescription collection and small tasks. Each group is made up of a committee and is fully constituted, with insurances and policy documentation being available from the Network.


The network supports local people in setting up the team that will run the group. Recruitment and support of committee members is vital, to ensure they can then develop their own groups within their communities and reach those in genuine need of our help.

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