Good Food Oxfordshire Ltd

Good Food Oxfordshire Ltd

At a glance


  • Campaigning
  • Education
  • Environment
  • Health and well being / research and care
  • Local / community
  • Poverty relief
  • Training / employment support
  • Voluntary sector support

Other details

Organisation type: 
Not for profit
Geographical remit: 


Good Food Oxfordshire is Oxford’s network for healthy, fair and sustainable food.

Its aims are to:

  • Advance the health of people in Oxford and the surrounding area by improving access to healthy food and working towards a vibrant food culture;
  • Support people in Oxford and the surrounding area to gain employment in the food sector, creating a sustainable local economy that provides opportunities for all;
  • Provide access to skills, learning and research about healthy, fair, ethical and environmentally sustainable food;
  • Facilitate a network of aligned food organisations.


Good Food Oxford was launched in December 2013 in order to help support the existing work of many organisations in and around the city to improve our food system, to catalyse new initiatives and collaborations, and to encourage more joined-up thinking, research and policy around food issues.  After a public meeting, a steering group was formed to take GFO forward. Further meetings and consultations were held during the first half of 2014 to draft the Oxford Good Food Charter, a statement of values for a better food system in Oxford. This was launched during Low Carbon Oxford Week in June. Since then over 130 organisations have signed the Charter and GFO has delivered workshops, consultancy, events and networking for our members, including a 10-day Pumpkin Festival.

Since Oxfordshire attained the Sustainable Food Places Bronze Award in 2021 (the first two tier county to achieve this), we have come a long way as an organisation and as a network. Therefore, along with the recognition of Oxfordshire as a Sustainable Food Place, we are now taking the next step to acknowledge that the reach of our work has grown increasingly countywide over the last seven years since the launch of the Oxford Good Food Charter: We are officially becoming Good Food Oxfordshire!

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