Giving Africa

Giving Africa

At a glance


  • Children / families
  • Education
  • Poverty relief
  • Training / employment support
  • Young people

Other details

Geographical remit: 


Strategic objectives:

  1. Create a learning environment for entrepreneurial success through vocational and business skills training
  2. Support Bethel School students to be healthy and receive a quality education
  3. Create sustainable income generating opportunities
  4. Continue the promotion of equal opportunities for girls to access education
  5. Connect UK and Burkina Faso communities through meaningful relationships
  6. Demonstrate Organisational sustainability and ethical good practice


Headlines for Three Year Strategy – 2017-20

  • Build a sustainable Agricultural Skills programme – training and providing income stream
  • Build a sustainable Tailoring Skills programme – training and providing income stream
  • Provide Food Programme and Sponsorship for most vulnerable children at Bethel School
  • Introduce new technology to support learning, entrepreneurship and exchange of wealth
  • Introduce solar technology and provide income generating opportunities through solar equipment
  • Positively discriminate girls within food and sponsorship programmes and support female teachers
  • Build the capacity of our partner AEAD through the development of monitoring/evaluation and finance systems and other training
  • Build Giving Africa’s reputation and reach by developing partnerships and raising income of £450,000 over three years
  • Document a model of excellence to be used within the educational and development field


  • Over 250 vulnerable children receiving a meal every day
  • Up to 1,100 children being educated in a more ‘child friendly’ and conducive learning environment
  • Over 100 vulnerable children and their families supported by provision of school fees, school resources and health checks
  • 200 children learning new vocational skills
  • Over 300 students and graduates learning entrepreneurial skills
  • 2 teachers supported to provide IT and female education
  • 1 solar energy shop – providing small scale training and income generation for Bethel School


  • Access to 80 connected tablets for on and off line information
  • Access to micro finance fund for students to develop business ideas
  • Strong and empowered female leaders
  • Access to solar technology to support extended learning hours and provide income generation
  • A network of new entrepreneurs supported remotely by UK business leaders
  • Exchange of ‘wealth’ between the UK and Burkina Faso – building stronger leader internationally
  • Creating a ‘model of excellence’ demonstrating the most effective way to empower children in Burkina Faso and other African countries


Providing children and young people with the skills to lift themselves, their families and their community from poverty. We do this through direct work at Bethel School and by sharing the model with Government and NGOs to grow the number of children empowered in this way. We demonstrate our impact by; increasing the numbers of students going onto further education, gaining employment or setting up their own business.

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