What we do?
Generations Working Together provides information, delivers support and encourages involvement to benefit all of Scotland’s generations, by working, learning, volunteering and living together.
Programme outcomes for 2015-16 include:
- Older people are acknowledged as assets to their communities increasing their participation and contribution
- Member organisations, including those working with protected characteristics, develop projects that use intergenerational approaches to challenge ageism
- More local authorities, national public agencies & organisations adopt intergenerational approaches to address the challenges of our ageing society and promote positive images of older people
Organisational objectives for 2011-2015 included:
- Work with Scottish Local Authorities to develop a framework for the effective use of intergenerational practice (IP) within Local Authority policies and procedures to the benefit of local communities and all age groups
- Work with Education Scotland to develop proposals whereby IP can be positively and inclusively incorporated within the Curriculum for Excellence with a view to reducing age stereotyping, improving community cohesion and encouraging lifelong learning
- Work with NHS Health Scotland to encourage the use of IP in improving active aging, encouraging healthier lifestyles, supporting greater personal independence and, reducing social isolation of vulnerable groups and, in particular, the elderly
- Develop a series of local IP networks and thematic networks across Scotland and support them through training, advice and local events and enable the sharing of good practice
- Work with Third Sector Interfaces and a range of relevant organisations to encourage intergenerational volunteering to help both active ageing and community cohesion through participation in volunteering, attending community groups and other IP activity.