Charities and Charitable activity in Britain face growing challenges in a harsh financial climate. And yet the National Audit Office calculates that over £2bn of charitable donations are given each year without Gift Aid. Potential additional income of some £500m is lost in this way with schools alone losing up to £100m. There are many reasons for this, and the Funding Exchange has spent three years developing, testing and proving a process to address these. We have the opportunity to add significant & tangible benefit to a wide range of worthy recipients.
The Funding Exchange (TFE) works with schools and charities to enable them to increase their income levels with minimal effort. Their Gift Aid Recovery Scheme (GARS) permits charitable donations to be submitted through TFE'S own HMRC registration, allowing beneficiary organisations to fundraise and never have to register or liaise with the authorities. GARS has been extremely well received by a pilot group of schools and the service is self-funded.