Friends Therapeutic Community Trust

Friends Therapeutic Community Trust

At a glance


  • Education
  • Young people

Other details

Geographical remit: 
National - Britain


Glebe House is part of Friends Therapeutic Community Trust and is a not-for-profit Charity. Our Charitable Trust provides specialist interventions for young men (between the ages of 15 and 18 at point of referral) with a known history of harmful sexual behaviours.

The key objective of the Trust is to reduce the risk of ex-Residents offending, and the promotion of their resilience for them to play their full part in contributing to society. Residents are referred to us by Children's Services or as directed by the Court. During their placement, Residents are encouraged to recognise and effectively reduce risks and threats. The aim is to assist them to learn how to maintain socially and legally acceptable standards of behaviour, so that they can resume independent living in the future.

Our results are validated as successful by a substantive longitudinal study over 12 years.


Our services include:

  • A residential treatment service to address harmful sexual behaviour in older teenage males
  • An independence transition service to support our Young People on their return to their own communities
  • An onsite School plus vocational education
  • Training and consultancy
  • Community based risk assessment
  • Community based assessment and intervention work

Glebe House operates as a Therapeutic Community, using Rapaport's Four Cornerstones as an adaptive model. This is a psychodynamic approach emphasising that there is meaning in all our behaviour and that meanings are often linked to past experiences. Emphasis is placed on the significance of group living and management of day-to-day tasks as a repetitive therapeutic tool.

The experience of living in a Therapeutic Community offers the opportunity for significant learning. Most of the young men who live in our Community have experienced disruption during their early years that may be reflected in the quality of the relationships they form. At times, this may result in an inability to develop a sense of belonging and maladaptive responses to their environment. As a Therapeutic Community we enable Residents to take an active part in planning and resourcing their activities. It is within the day-to-day interaction with peers, adults and the wider community that their progress in terms of relapse prevention can be monitored and reinforced.

These learning opportunities are enhanced by a range of on and off-site activities including: work experience, vehicle maintenance, gardening, film-making, arts and crafts and trade instruction. In addition, there is a wide range of social activities on offer.

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