The advancement of education of children and young people from the Mombasa District, Kenya and the protection and preservation of health and the relief of poverty, sickness and distress to those children and their families. We own the land of a school in Mombasa (Unity School) and work closely with the management of Unity School and give financial support to enable the pupils to have an education, medical assistance and a feeding programme. Our aim is always to help them to be as self sufficient as possible which over the years has increased to them relying on us 100% for financial support to Unity School now being 68% self sufficient. With the help of a legacy we have been able to build a brick built building with 5 new classrooms, and are looking at phase 2 with another 5 classrooms expected.
We provide opportunities that enable people to use their talents and skills to further our work and the life of Unity school. We provide opportunities for schools and communities in the UK to understand the reality of life and poverty in Mombasa, transforming this understanding into physical and financial support for us to realise our vision. We provide a stable and learning environment, that through love and care, supports good health, adequate nourishment and person development for the pupils and teachers at Unity School. We work closely with Unity School management team and teachers to support them in identifying any training needs.