Freedom from Torture is dedicated to healing and protecting people who have survived torture. We provide therapies to improve physical and mental health, we medically document torture and we provide legal and welfare help. We expose torture globally, we fight to hold torturing states to account and we campaign for fairer treatment of torture survivors in the UK. For over thirty years, through our services, we have been helping survivors overcome their torture and live better, happier lives.
Again and again, survivors tell us that with us they have found their own humanity once more and have regained their voice. We work together to defeat the inhumanity of their torturers, who deliberately set out to silence and destroy lives.
Almost all of our income is raised through voluntary donations, without this generous support nothing we do would be possible.
Thanks to the dedication of staff and volunteers – as well as scores of passionate supporters and funders – thousands of torture survivors have been able to rebuild their lives in incredibly difficult circumstances.
Freedom from Torture supports survivors of torture through:
Rehabilitation - we will help more survivors of torture in the UK realise their right to rehabilitation. We will ensure:
Protection - we will ensure survivors of torture receive effective protection and are not returned to their countries of origin to face a risk of further torture. We will ensure:
Accountability - we will expose torture in order to strengthen prevention efforts and secure justice and international protection for survivors. We will ensure:
Survivor Empowerment - we will be a model of best practice in enabling the empowerment and agency of torture survivors. We will ensure: