FORWARD (Foundation for Women’s Health Research and Development) is the leading African women-led organisation working on female genital mutilation, child marriage and other forms of violence against women and girls in the UK and Africa. For 33 years we have been committed to safeguarding the rights and dignity of African girls and women. We do this through community engagement, women’s empowerment, training of professionals, research, and international advocacy.
We work to enable community members, key professionals and policymakers to bring
about social and policy change through strategic networks and partnerships. This allows us to
amplify the impact of our work in multiple spaces.
ince our creation we have been a pioneering example of how to engage with affected communities, amplify the voices of girls and women affected and enable them to advocate against these harmful practices themselves. In 2014 alone we reached 3,500young people and school staff in the UK through our ground breaking Schools FGM awareness Programme.
We have worked in over 9 African countries supporting over 18 partner organisations, including being the driving force behind the foundation of 3 local, women-led organisations. Currently we support 50 girls clubs across Africa, involving over 1,500 girls to provide peer support, information and signposting on sexual and reproductive health and girls’ rights.