Fit For Life Youth CIC

Fit For Life Youth CIC

At a glance


  • Local / community
  • Sports
  • Young people

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Fit For Life Youth is set out to help young people benefit from participation in sport. We believe sport is an excellent metaphor for life and that sport has the ability to develop skills that can be transferred and applied in other walks of that individuals life. Our sports programmes are aimed at the masses as we believe in inclusive sport therefore we welcome individuals of all levels..

   We predominantly run sports coaching programmes in schools, colleges, youth clubs, and community centres across North Kensington, however we aim to expand to London and eventually the entire UK.. We carry out voluntary coaching for youth community programmes within North Kensington and work closely within a number of the local primary schools using sport as an intervention method and incentives..

     As the founder of Fit For Life Youth CIC it I took the decision to use my experience in coaching and working with young people to try and make an impact in the lives of those within my local community. Growing up I was lucky enough to have fantastic role models in the shape of youth workers and sports coaches that I felt I could really relate to, I wanted to replicate this impact to other young people through sports and decided to start Fit For Life Youth.


We reach our objectives via running sports coaching programs in the schools, colleges, youth clubs and community centres. The main sports we deliver are boxing and Footbal, we also deliver fitness programs. Our programs on average run for 12 weeks, during this 12 week period the individual learns the basic fundamentals of the sport in question,the final week is a presentation of some sort, ranging from competition in said sport or a demonstration of sorts. From the first week to the 12th week the participants have to overcome certain challenges such as team work, problem solving, and overcoming fitness challenges. As mentioned earlier these skills can be used in other scenarios and settings.

    We believe in mentoring through sport, and the relationship that our coaches make with the participants is key to allowing us to advise and be a role model for how the young people should carry themselves and make the right decisions in respect to their life choices

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