The award winning Anna Fiorentini Theatre & Film school holds weekly workshops in drama, singing,dance and film for 4 - 18 year olds and is specifically aimed at those that need to increase in their confidence, self-esteem and life skills. Many of the students come from chaotic home lives or have the temptation of joining a gang. We give them inspirations, a thirst for learning and practical life skills
To remain sustainable we charge fees to those families that can afford it. For everybody else we hold a variety of fundraising events and fill in numerous funding bids. We also have a performance troupe made up of our really talented students that entertain in hospitals, hospices and homes for the elderly.
Earlier this year we set up Stage & the City; after work performing arts classes for adults that wish to have fun. This is mainly being aimed at city workers. The intention behind this new venture is to make a connection with the corporate world. ALL profits from Stage & the City will go to the Fiorentini Foundation provdiing bursaries for children that wish to attend the Anna Fiorentini School.