Felix Road Adventure Playground (FRAP) is a children’s charity supporting some of the most vulnerable children, young people and families in the South West. Based in Bristol, Felix Road is a highly valued inner city space catering for up to 150 children at a time. Last year over 700 children were helped by our service.
FRAP has been at the heart of this community since 1972. FRAP is open 7 days a week and offers a safe inclusive haven where children and young people (C&YP) can play and families can meet and mix. In 2014 Felix Road was transferred from the Council to a voluntary management committee under Community Asset Transfer. The playground is now run and managed by the community for the community and has a bright new future.
FRAP has a strong track record of working with the wider community and working with hard to reach C&YP and families in Easton and Lawrence Hill and developing new and playful ideas. FRAP is a truly unique multi-cultural and inclusive play space that provides a safe haven for marginalised communities.
At the heart of the FRAP methodology is the power of learning in a playful space, to engage families and improve their daily lives. Once children and families are engaged Felix Road have been using a range of add-ons to the outdoor play experience, that sensitively promote family health and well-being, these could be; old and new games or organised sport, growing vegetables and cooking in an outdoor oven, dance/circus and a celebration of performance, referrals to other agencies, cycling and active travel, dedicated health programmes, celebrating cultural identity and history.