We are a Parent Carer Forum. We are an independent charity, working across Surrey, that enables the voice of Parents and Carers of children with Special Education Needs and Disability to be heard, to be consulted, in the provision of Health, Education and Social Welfare services. Our membership is over 2500 parent carers of children with SEND.
By consulting with our members, we aim to influence, advise and co-produce services with the Local Authorities. We do this by:
A) Facilitating effective dialogue and communication between children and young people and their parents, families, and carers and health, education, disability and social care service commissioners and service providers;
B) Working in partnership to inform, shape and monitor the development of local services so that they continually improve and enhance the experience and life opportunities for such children and young people, and their parents, families and carers;
c) Promoting and implementing co-production in decision making and planning for future service provision, so that the children and young people, and their parents, families and carers are at the centre of improvements in services.