At a glance


  • Children / families
  • Young people

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Geographical remit: 


EXPECT Youth’s core objectives are to:

  • Inform and contribute to an ongoing strategic vision for local children’s and youth services, in collaboration with statutory partners;
  • Support the continued availability of an effective and sustainable universal local youth offer.
  • Act as a broker to secure, deliver and distribute public and charitable funding, increasing the overall amount of local investment in children’s and youth services;
  • Capacity build neighbourhood level voluntary organisations, including managing a dedicated Quality Mark scheme, to improve the range and quality of youth services;
  • Promote best practice and innovation in children’s and youth services, better utilising community assets to reach and engage more young people;
  • Act as a single gateway for all information on local children’s and youth services;  Contribute to the fulfilment of wider local priorities and strategies set by local authorities and other agencies with overall responsibility for children’s and youth services.


  1. To act as a broker to secure, deliver and distribute public and charitable funding, increasing the overall amount of local investment in children’s and youth services;
  2. To capacity build members and other youth services organisations, through effective infrastructure support and access to information, advice and support, including the Ambition UK First Steps Quality Mark scheme, to improve the range and quality of local youth services.

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