Essential Services Access Network

Essential Services Access Network

At a glance


  • Financial inclusion
  • Poverty relief

Other details

Geographical remit: 
National - Britain


ESAN brings together voluntary organisations and regulators to improve services and products for consumers. We want to ensure that services which are essential to life, health and well-being (currently energy, water, financial services and communications) meet the needs of consumers, particularly those in vulnerable circumstances. Our aim is to achieve inclusive service – in other words to ensure that all consumers have affordable access to services which meet their needs.


ESAN facilitates the exchange of information and opinions between organisations and others concerned with these issues, including the relevant regulators. We work with regulators to improve outcomes for consumers, and contribute to the development of policy and highlight issues of common interest across the sectors we focus on. We pay particular regard to the interests of consumers in vulnerable circumstances as the effects of lack of affordable access to essential services, or if things going wrong, are likely to be especially serious.

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