

At a glance


  • Housing and homelessness
  • Older people / later life

Other details

Geographical remit: 
National - Britain


Erosh is a national consortium for the older people’s housing and support sector with over 100 members in a regional network structure across the UK. We:

  • Champion locally and nationally good quality older people’s housing and support.
  • Work with a wide range of people and organisations in the sector.
  • Provide a central point of good practice and policy information, advice and support to 5000+ housing and support workers representing over 150,000 older people.
  • Ensure sheltered and retirement housing services continue to meet nationally recognised good practice and are of excellent quality despite the challenges facing our sector.
  • Influence government policies and practice through our policy work by demonstrating the health, social care, and public health benefits of housing and support for older people.
  • Promote the role of sheltered & retirement schemes as hubs for all older people in communities.


To support our members and promote quality housing support for older people we:

  • provide good practice resources including guides, checklists, and training
  • collect good practice case study examples which highlight the quality of housing and services our members provide
  • produce briefings on policy and legislative changes
  • regularly bring members together in networks to share good practice, resolve issues, and hear from experts
  • provide a collective voice to influence government policy
  • provide specialist advice and guidance to our members

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