Equality Action Ltd

Equality Action Ltd

At a glance


  • Black, asian and minority ethnic groups

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Equality Action was originally set up in 1969 to work towards eliminating discrimination and promoting good relations between people from different backgrounds, cultures and demographics settling in the UK over the years.  As the communities we serve have grown and became more established, we have continued to respond to their needs, adapting our services to improve the quality of life of our service users. Our mission to promote equality and diversity, dignity, and respect through inclusion is at the heart of everything we do by:

  • Offering specialist support and advice services
  • Providing access to local learning and education opportunities
  • Delivering community cohesion activities and events
  • Offering inclusive health and wellbeing activities
  • Creating volunteering opportunities
  • Campaigning on issues that affect their lives

We have a strong track record of delivering projects (various funders) to identify inequalities and overcome barriers and our work enables people from marginalised backgrounds have access to the services they require because of our understanding of the cultural barriers they experience and the language support we provide. We offer a safe space embedded within communities drawing upon the experience and knowledge of our staff, trustees, volunteers and partners.

We are recognised as a key organisation that has built a reputation of working with partners across Charnwood to ensure we provide holistic support to our service users.


The core activities delivered by our charity include:

  • Information, Advice and Guidance services - Our general casework which supports individuals and families with access to welfare benefits, debt, housing, immigration and other related advice.
  • Immigration Advice – We have three caseworkers (accredited at level 1 and 2 of the OISC standards).  This service enables us to help individuals and families access immigration advice that they would not otherwise be able to access, especially from solicitors.  We receive referrals from partner agencies and also support our local council to assist refugee and asylum-seeking families that locate in Charnwood.
  • Mental Health and Wellbeing projects in the community - Our Positive Minds and Vita Minds projects work on issues around mental health.  Our Positive Minds five-year project which is now in year 4 works with people from BAME background to address issues around stigma and culturally sensitive around mental health.
  • Our community development work is rooted in the belief that all people should have access to health, wellbeing, wealth, justice and opportunity. We recognise this takes time. It has taken us many years to establish and build the trust and confidence of local people to talk about mental health, raise their awareness and also help them access appropriate support. We are developing training to become champions, mentors and mental health first-aid to sustainably support the local communities.

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