Enterprise Childcare was founded in 1991, and aims to improve the lives of children and their families by putting their needs at the centre of service delivery, by striving for continuous improvement, using good practice models, delivering child-centred provision in partnership with parents and carers and supporting the development of its Trustees, employees and volunteers.
We aim to be one of the leaders in the Social Enterprise sector, providing high quality, flexible childcare and training to support the improvement of the lives of children and their parents and carers with funding obtained through grants, self-generated funds and prudent financial management.
The organisation works directly with over 200 families per year. Referrals to our service come from a number of statutory and voluntary organisations including, Health Visitors, Social workers and Scottish Association for Metal Health and the Carers Centre.
We work across all communities, including areas of high deprivation. All of our childcare services had the Care and Support theme graded at 5 or 6 (very good/excellent) by the Care Inspectorate as at 31st March 2018.
We hold the Investing in Children Award and Volunteering Friendly Award and are working towards the Healthy Working Lives Silver Award.
Mobile Crèche Service – To support learning and community engagement in the and help parents and carers with children to access these services.
Out of School Care – Support for parents and carers with school aged children to access work or training to help support them and their families
Pre3+ Early Learning & Childcare Centre - Support for parents particularly students who have very young children to help them enter education or employment
Autism Service – For children and young people with Autism to support their social, emotional and physical well-being through play and recreation clubs.
Positive Future Project – Community based parent support programme to enhance parenting skills and develop relationship between children and those who care for them including Kinship Carers and Grandparents
Enterprise Training – Social Enterprise delivering training to the childcare/family support sector.
Children’s Yoga (YogaBellies) – Social Enterprise delivering yoga classes for the 3-12 age range.