Enfield Libraries is a department within the London Borough of Enfield. The Council regards the library service as a resource, which should be at the heart of the community, linking with other services across the Borough. The vision of Enfield Council is to make Enfield a better place to live and work.
Aim: Fairness for All
for all
Aim: Growth and Sustainability
Aim: Strong Communities
There are 17 libraries within the London Borough of Enfield with 99% of the local population living within 1 mile of a static site; there is also a mobile library which visits communities outside of these 1 mile catchment areas. The core library service is the lending of books and audio visual items and the provision of information either in hard copy or electronically (available on www.enfield.gov.uk to anyone with an Enfield Library ticket) and is available to anyone who lives works or studies in the Borough. As indicated above there are many activities for children and young people from Baby Rhymes for under 1s, under-5 storytimes, reading groups for 8 – 13 year olds to teenage reading groups to name just a few. Study support is provided in Homework Centres in 4 libraries. All libraries have PCs providing free access to the internet and online training facilities.