Emmaus is a homelessness charity with a difference, providing more than just a bed for the night for people who have experienced homelessness and social exclusion.
We provide a home for as long as someone needs it, as well as meaningful work in our social enterprise. This works to help to restore feelings of self-esteem and give our companions, as residents are known, the opportunity to regain control of their lives.
Emmaus Norwich at Ditchingham offers a sustainable route out of homelessness and a fantastic way of life within a supportive environment. The community is currently home to up to seven companions with no fixed time limits on length of stay.
Emmaus is not about giving hand-outs, it’s about providing an opportunity for each individual to work to overcome homelessness. This approach has been proven to produce long-term, sustainable results and, for many who have been stuck in a cycle of homelessness, offers the support they need to overcome this.
Our community can currently cater for up to seven companions working full time in our social enterprise, selling and recycling second-hand furniture and household items. This work supports the community financially and enables companions to develop skills, rebuild their self-respect and help others in greater need than themselves.
With 2700 square feet of showrooms within our beautiful former convent buildings, our vision is to build a sustainable destination honouring the site's contribution to local heritage; home to a thriving community of up to 25 companions. We are in the middle of a significant building programme providing residential accommodation for companions and have plans for expanding our social enterprise to include an on-site bistro. We currently have a small café on site, offering homemade refreshments for our customers with regular events and sales throughout the year.