Elect Her

Elect Her

At a glance


  • Women

Other details

Organisation type: 
Not for profit
Geographical remit: 
National - Britain


Elect Her is a tiny but mighty organisation that works to motivate, support & equip women in all their diversity to stand for elected office in all spheres of Government, providing them with the knowledge, confidence, and skills they need to do it. We work with women from across the political spectrum – we are non-partisan or even multi-partisan. We take no policy position on any topic in order to be truly inclusive. We want all women who are interested in exploring their political future to feel welcome and accommodated within our work. We equip women with the knowledge, confidence, and skills they need to stand for political office. We work across the political spectrum, and welcome women from all backgrounds and beliefs, representing all parties and none. Following the past few years of exciting growth and a major re-brand, we are now looking to expand our Board of Directors and welcome the opportunity to involve different voices and experiences. The successful applicants will have the opportunity to bring their professional and lived experience to guide the work we do, and help us fulfil our mission in line with our values. At Elect Her we believe that the world will be a better place when more women are in power. Equal representation of those creating the laws is essential. We will continue with our work until at least 51% of elected representatives across all spheres of office in Britain are women. There is a lack of equal representation in Government and we’re intent on changing this. Thousands of women have attended our programme of support over the years and this year, we were delighted to see 72 women from our community elected after taking part in our support for candidates.


  • We provide support for women at each stage of their political journey.
    1. Getting Started in Politics – understanding democracy through political literacy, focused on the history of women in politics and how to get started.
    2. Ready To Get Involved – supporting women to work out how they are going to participate in our politics, including what change they want to make and what role is best suited for them and their goals.
    3. Getting Ready To Stand – thinking about doing it in the future and preparing for it now, including building the necessary emotional and interpersonal skills needed for a life in politics, such as public speaking, engaging with media and PR and storytelling.
    4. Selection & Election – Supporting women as they go through selection and election campaigns, including providing guidance on preparing every element of their campaign, such as how to successfully use social media, door knocking, fundraising and more. 
  • We are providing women with the knowledge, confidence & skills they need at each of these 4 stages.
  • Alongside our regular 4 stage programme of work, we are creating space for women from under-represented communities who value time meeting women with similar intersecting identities who are also exploring their political futures. For example, we current hold specific personal development programmes for women of colour & regular gatherings for d/Deaf and disabled women in politics seeking peer support and united solutions to battles they face.

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