Elders Voice

Elders Voice

At a glance


  • Local / community
  • Older people / later life
  • Social care

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Elders Voice supports people aged 55 and over, living in the London Borough of Brent. We provide an Accident Prevention Handyperson Service that carries out small jobs in the home, such as fixing grab rails, which enables older people to live independently for longer in the homes of their choosing. We run three day centres a week for older people and older people with dementia, that offer community and companionship, as well as respite for carers. We also offer sessional, wellbeing activities such as yoga, and deliver short term intergenerational projects and memory projects. 

Older people continue to be marginalised and discriminated against, and ageism is considered to be the last acceptable prejudice. This is due in part to the fact older people are less likely to challenge the ageism they experience. That's why organisations like Elders Voice matter. We're here to amplify the voices of older people, ensure their needs are met and that they're not forgotten. The population is ageing and in Brent alone, the number of residents aged 65 and over is projected to increase by 78% over the next 20 years. If we're lucky, we'll all be "older people" one day. So, by improving the quality of life for older people now, we're carving out a better future for ourselves and others.


Our organisation works closely with older people to ensure our services are flexible and responsive to their needs. We monitor our work closely, and report back to our funders regularly.

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