The Foundation has over 30 years’ experience of providing free and objective information on ethical finance and corporate activity to the public.
Our vision is a financial and corporate system that encourages sustainable and responsible wealth creation and management.
We see sustainable and responsible wealth creation as requiring a shift to successful economic activity that creates and restores environmental, social, intellectual and financial capital in the long term in partnership with and for the benefit of all stakeholders.
We believe that this transformation will involve the decline of some existing industries, the significant refocusing of others and the creation and growth of industries meeting new and existing needs. It will require action by some sectors in a position to drive or enable change in other industries and it will have significant social costs that should be addressed. The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals also encapsulate many other challenges that must be tackled in creating a sustainable and responsible economy.
To achieve this we have agreed upon to focus on the following strategies:
Our mission is to use research, analysis and influence to identify gaps, barriers, opportunities and enablers so that we can help organizations and individuals maximise their contribution to the responsible business and investment agenda.