At a glance


  • Housing and homelessness
  • Learning disabilities / difficulties
  • Mental health
  • Physical disabilities

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Geographical remit: 
National - England


EHSL provides accommodation to people with learning disabilities, mental health issues and other support needs. EHSL's tenants tend to have complex needs and would struggle to obtain accommodation from the private sector. Many of EHSL's tenants previously lived in care homes, inpatient mental health services, or in alternative unsuitable provisions. The provision of supported housing accommodation enables local authorities to reduce the cost of providing care, and enables EHSL's tenants to live more independent lives in safe accommodation that is provided in conjunction with support. 


EHSL sources property from the private rented sector and makes it available alongside support services provided by third parties. EHSL advocates for its tenants to have their housing costs covered in full by Housing Benefit. 

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