Edinburgh Young Carers is a voluntary organisation that provides respite and support to young people between the ages of 5 and 25 who care for somebody at home. We aim to improve the lives and wellbeing of young carers by raising awareness, offering emotional and practical support and by giving each young person the opportunity to take a break from their caring role and have fun in a friendly, supportive environment where they can be themselves and leave worries behind
Young Carer Groups
Organised activities, discussions, support and a chance to meet other young carers and have fun.
This is the main service provided at the project and offers young carers a chance to make new friends and have a break from their caring situation at home. As well as providing a safe space to talk about young carers’ issues, it is also recognised that young carers need ‘time-out’ to just be a young person. Group activities are driven by the young people and can be anything from a trip to the cinema or trampolining to a theatre show or a 3D printing class.
Young Carer Individual Support
One to one time with a worker.
Every young person that joins the service has a dedicated development worker that they can spend time with however they like, whether this be at our offices, in a games room or over a sandwich and a milkshake at their favourite café. Priority is given to young people whose needs may not be fully met within group work or who are experiencing difficulty in being part of a group.
Residentials & Day Trips
Time-out from home. A chance to try new things and have fun.
From time to time we are able to offer young carers the chance to get away for a week or a weekend if their home situation allows. We also organise one-off day trips and open days for young carers. These trips are an excellent way for the young people to really relax, bond and challenge themselves with activities and have a proper break from caring.