Edinburgh Social Enterprise supports the development and growth of social enterprise in Edinburgh through the following activities delivered directly or in partnership:
- Peer support - bringing members together to discuss and share their experiences, good practice and ideas through networking and training events
- Facilitating trading - across members and between social enterprises, private companies and public sector organisations
- Facilitating cooperation and collaboration - across social enterprises, private companies and public sector organisations to enable community benefit
- Branding - of Social Enterprise through Doogie Goodstuff and ‘Buy the Good Stuff’
- Awareness raising - across the public, the public sector and private sector of the community, societal, environmental and economic benefits of social enterprise
- Capacity building - of people and organisations to develop the skills and knowledge required to create, run, manage and govern a social enterprise.
- One to one support - for new and aspiring social enterprises and entrepreneurs where there are gaps in existing service provision or knowledge
- Research –working with academic partners to research social enterprise approaches and their impact. By sharing the learning we then contribute to a vibrant city and influence policy and strategy.
- Engagement, consultation and representation - with social enterprises and stakeholders, ensuring the sector’s views and interests are represented within community planning and other relevant forums
- Information and signposting –on support services, events, training and opportunities provide by other local and national partners.