ECHO is an independent, Herefordshire-based charity with 230 members and over 100 volunteers. In 2015 we proudly celebrated 25 years of making a difference to the lives of disabled people.
How do we do this? By listening to the people, we support and running projects and social activities that reflect their needs. As well as running 25 diverse and innovative projects our work extends into inclusive volunteering, work experience and training. Not to mention the summer activities programme, leisure events and the way we put community engagement at the heart of our partnership working.
ECHO’s vision is of an equitable society where all disabled people are valued, respected and supported to flourish.
ECHO’s mission is to make a real difference to the lives of disabled people in Herefordshire, supporting them to be valued members of their community.
Most of our activities are suitable for people with moderate or severe learning difficulties, but we will try to support anyone who wishes to take part in our activities, including people with mental health difficulties and people with physical or sensory impairments.
At ECHO participants have the chance to learn new skills in a supportive, friendly environment. Whether they like sport; arts and crafts; learning; social events; work or volunteering activities, we will try to help them find something to do.
Some of our Projects include:
Some of the Sport, Leisure & Social activities we provide: