Eating Disorder Service

Eating Disorder Service

At a glance


  • Counselling / advice
  • Health and well being / research and care
  • Mental health

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Geographical remit: 


Eating Disorder Service, Plymouth (EDS) is a charity established since 1995, and funded by NEW Devon Clinical Commissioning Group to provide short to medium-term therapeutic and specialist dietetic interventions for those with a diagnosable eating disorder. The service comprises of a team of dedicated health, therapy and administrative professionals, aim to offer support to individuals age 18 and above. In 2016, based on joint work with the local NHS mental and physical health teams, we secured additional funding to start running a 3-day day programme for those sufferers who require intensive nutritional and psychological input. Our hope is to enable individual sufferers to address and manage their eating disorder within a safe and supportive environment that helps to improve ultimately their quality of life within the community.


The service is divided into two separate arms:

  1. The community psychotherapy service: offering 20 individual sessions of weekly psychotherapy in conjunction with specialist dietetic and occupational therapy input. We also offer Body Image group therapy for those who near the end of their individual work but have on-going struggle with their body image.
  2. The day service: An intensive group programme run over 3-days per week to provide psychological, skill based and nutritional support for those who are at risk of further deterioration and admission to an in-patient facility. This service can also be relevant for those who have discharged from an in-patient service and require 'step-down' input to help reintegrating back to a community setting.

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