The Dove Service (TDS) is the only grief support charity in the West Midlands, offering British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy (BACP) accredited specialist counselling to people who are experiencing issues relating to bereavement, loss, and life-changing or limiting illness. We work with people who have been diagnosed with a life-changing or life-limiting illness which has brought about feelings of grief, including those who are terminally ill and their families/friends/carers, to offer pre-bereavement counselling for anticipatory grief.
We offer over 10,000 counselling sessions each year across Staffordshire, South Cheshire and Wirral.
We offer specialist 1:1 counselling, training on topics relating to grief and loss, awareness raising activities, therapeutic group support and friendship groups for those experiencing the loneliness and isolation that often comes hand in hand with grief.
Our specialism means that we are able to respond to crisis situations and offer support to communities experiencing grief. For example, we go into schools when a child or a teacher dies to offer drop in support for children and young people as well as staff, and can follow that up with one-to-one counselling when needed. We have also offered support to organisations who have had industrial accidents resulting in a death, as well as to families after community incidents.